How to combine vitamins with each other

Mineral Compatibility Chart
Today, vitamins and various supplements are on the shelves of every drugstore or supermarket checkout.

The most enthusiastic about their own health will definitely want to buy everything: calcium/magnesium/zinc for skin and hair, vitamin D for happiness in life, vitamin A for skin, vitamin C as a must, fish oil, B vitamins, iron, copper and iodine.

All of this would look more like a bowl of Olivier than a health formula.
Today you and I are going over how to drink and combine different vitamins, and which ones are toxic in excess, and which ones you can drink year-round.

Here are a few rules you just need to take before we get started. You definitely won't like them, but you'll get through it.

1. dietary supplements don't work without nutrition. That is, it is more important to have a nutritionally rich and nutrient dense diet 2-3 times a day, which takes into account your individual characteristics and needs, and excludes inflammatory trigger foods.

2. it is more effective and beneficial to find specific deficiencies and repair them than to take vitamin multicomplexes. If nothing is bothering you and you just want to drink vitamins, it's better to buy more healthy foods at the supermarket.

3. I understand that you want to restore deficiencies as quickly as possible and get your life back to full strength, but in the case of vitamins, more is not better. Don't play up the recommended dosages, or your normal life will definitely not return.

So, we can distinguish 6 key micronutrients. They are differently absorbed, excreted and have varying degrees of toxicity when in excess. Moreover, macro and micro elements can displace each other when taken together, thereby creating deficiencies or no benefit.
- Water-soluble vitamins (C, B group)
- Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)
- Macronutrients (magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chlorine)
- Trace elements (sulfur, chromium, iron, iodine, zinc, selenium, copper)
- Bioactive substances (resveratrols, omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids, vegetable polysaccharides, organic acids, etc.)
- Vitamin-like substances (coenzyme Q10, rutin, unsaturated fatty acids, etc.)

Now let's talk about the most popular supplements and discuss how safe they are for prophylaxis.
Water-soluble vitamins quickly pass through the intestinal wall, are absorbed and do not accumulate (except for B12), because after a few days they are eliminated from the body. Water soluble vitamins activate the action of other vitamins. Their shortage leads to a decrease in the biological activity of other groups of vitamins.
The levels of these elements should be constantly replenished, and their overabundance does not have a serious negative impact on health due to the low level of toxicity, as well as rapid excretion.
The optimal dose of vitamin C for an adult person 750-1000 mg per day, you need to break down this dose into 2-3 doses, since the consumption of vitamin C occurs instantly after its entry into the body, take care of an even intake of vitamin C during the day.

B vitamins can be taken effectively as injections. To do this, ask your general practitioner.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is best restored by intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous injections also with the help of a therapist.
Unlike water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble ones are deposited in human fat depots and are not easily excreted.

Called fat-soluble, these vitamins, like others (water-soluble) have no fat or other caloric components in their composition. At the same time, fat-soluble vitamins have a significant impact on the absorption of food, allowing the most complete absorption of dietary fats.

There is an opinion that taking large doses of some of them is dangerous because they can accumulate in concentrations that are toxic. This is the case for vitamin A and especially vitamin D.

Vitamin A ensures the normal functioning of the immune system, participates in bone formation, and is necessary for normal function and good condition of the skin, teeth, and hair.
The daily physiological requirement for vitamin A is 800-1500 mcg (2600-5000 IU).
An overdose develops when high doses of vitamin A, more than 300,000 IU (100,000 mcg), is characterized in the early stages by hair loss, dry skin, chapped lips, rashes, weakness, headache, or even enlargement of the liver and spleen.

Vitamin D regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the body, stimulates growth and bone formation, and participates in the regulation of tissue respiration and redox processes.
It is important not to overdo vitamin supplements and to get tested before taking it in capsules.

How to do it?
- Get a 25-OH VITAMIN D test in the lab
- Determine the standard of vitamin D in the blood serum. It is the same for men and women at any age:
less than 20 ng/ml - acute deficiency
21 to 29 ng/ml - deficiency
30 to 100 ng/ml - normal
over 100 ng/ml - excessive.
- For deficiency, calculate the dosage, e.g., here
Symptoms of vitamin D overdose are caused by hypercalcemia. Anorexia, nausea and vomiting may develop, often accompanied by polyuria, polydipsia, weakness, nervousness, itching, and eventually, renal failure.
Macro and micro elements.

Magnesium is important for normal functioning of the heart, blood vessels, muscles and intestines. Magnesium is involved in the functioning of the nervous and immune systems of the body. Contributes to the strength of the bones. In addition, magnesium regulates blood sugar levels and maintains normal blood pressure.

Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of magnesium.
According to the norms of physiological needs of men and women need 400 mg of magnesium per day.
Magnesium is quickly excreted, but taking medications and supplements without looking can result in a toxic dose of magnesium. Many signs of excess magnesium in the body resemble the symptoms of magnesium deficiency: nausea, weakness, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and low blood pressure.

Zinc plays an important role in cell division, the growth process, wound healing, the immune system, etc. Zinc is involved in dozens of enzymatic reactions in the human body. Zinc deficiency destroys the immune system, causes fatigue and irritability, and negatively affects the nervous system.

Zinc accumulates and concentrates in muscles, liver, pancreas and prostate (respectively, more in men). Excess zinc is not harmless and can cause nausea and even symptoms of poisoning. Do not exceed a daily dose of 10 to 15 mg, otherwise symptoms of overdose will not be long in coming.

In addition, excess zinc interferes with the absorption of other minerals, especially manganese, copper, and iron. If you take other minerals along with zinc, do so at different times of the day. For example, take zinc after breakfast and copper at dinner.
Iron plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system, is necessary for the transport of oxygen to the cells, is involved in the regeneration processes in the body and the creation of red blood cells and enzymes.

Iron supplements are not taken for prevention, but only after diagnosis and consultation with a therapist. Read more in the article Iron Deficiency Anemia

Excess iron is dangerous. The accumulation of iron occurs mainly in the liver, pancreas and heart muscle, which has the most deleterious effect on the poisoned organs. If iron poisoning continues, diseases such as: hepatitis, cirrhosis, diabetes, diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular and joint system develop.

Bioactive and vitamin-like substances.
Omega-3 fatty acids support joint health, prevent the development of osteoporosis, reduce inflammation and fight bone loss. Restoring cell membranes is the most important function of fatty acids. It promotes the self-renewal of the inner lining of the arteries and the excretion of cholesterol with the bile.

Omega-3 is that "fish oil." In the gastrointestinal tract omega-3 are quickly absorbed through the walls and the bloodstream enters the liver, going from there to all organs and tissues.

The limit for adults receiving omega-3 (EGC + DHA) is 1-3 grams/day. Omega-3 supplements can be taken year-round or for 2 to 3 months. It is not necessary to take omega every day - eating oily cold sea fish 2 times a week is sufficient, as omega-3 accumulates in the body.

Do not take doses higher than 3-4 grams of omega-3. In particular, the excess can lead to intestinal and GI distress, nausea, vomiting.
There is such a thing as "synergy". Taking vitamins and minerals at the same time has an effect many times greater than taking them separately. Synergy is when 2+2=10, not 4.

There is also a negative interaction between nutrients. Elements compete with each other and are absorbed much worse than we would like them to be. This is why it is important to know when it is best to take vitamins and what company to keep them in.

For example, in the calcium/magnesium/zinc complex, two nutrients compete with each other. For effect, one should have been taken in the first half of the day and the other in the second half, but definitely not in the same capsule.

This is a vitamin and mineral compatibility chart

By having several supplements in your diet, you will learn how to combine them in the most effective way for your health. It's also important to spread supplements and medications throughout the day, rather than swallowing a handful at a time.

Take a screenshot of the chart so you don't have to look for it all over again, and remember the three rules at the beginning of this article.
In what follows, we will go into much more detail about each important vitamin or element individually.
Photo: Pexels, Karolina Grabowska