Homemade sugar-free granola

Recipe for a healthy breakfast
For me, granola is a great way to eat healthy foods that I don't really like on their own. But baked crispy with milk or light yogurt is easy!
Granola can be brought to work and simply added to fresh yogurt when the time comes.


300 g long-cooked oat flakes

50 g chia seeds/flax seeds

50 g pumpkin seeds

150 g nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans are great)

150 g dried fruit or berries (don't limit yourself to dried apricots - they can be cherries, cranberries, figs, pears, mango, banana, etc.)

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

50 ml water/orange/apple juice

100 g of honey/coconut
sugar/muscovado sugar/mulberry syrup

50 g coconut oil
Wash the nuts, dry them with a towel and cut them into pieces. Mix oats, seeds, nuts and dried fruit in a large bowl.

In a separate bowl mix sweetener, cinnamon, warm water or juice and oil. I use hot water and muscovado sugar.

When the butter and sugar have melted in the hot water, pour the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix well.

Prepare parchment and distribute the granola evenly on the baking tray.
Bake the granola on the middle level of the oven at 170 degrees for 30-40 minutes, stirring the granola well every 10 minutes.

Let cool completely and store in a cool dry place, in a ziploc bag or in a glass jar under a tightly closed lid.

I shared my recipe as an example.
The cool thing is that you can choose your favorite ingredients, change the ingredients, experiment with the ingredients and still turn out super.

Have a great breakfast!
